appetite 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['æpitait]
appetite 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 慾望,(特指)胃口,食慾。
2. 嗜好,愛好。

  1. I follow you same, feel the stomach is very uncomfortable these days, the feeling of keck, lose one ' s appetite, like wanting carsick stomach, very afflictive, extremely afflictive

  2. In addition, smell is ok still stomachic, with nose nose alimental fragrance, with respect to can exciting appetite

  3. His fever is allayed, but his appetite is still flatted

  4. Mouse : let ' s see, i have to get some swiss cheese, american cheese, provolone, and a big wheel of gouda. i may be little, but i have a very big appetite

  5. The english appetite for authentic americanism was fed.

  6. His appetite satisfied, his mood changed.

  7. The rumours have taken the place of the appetite.

  8. This medicine will work up an appetite.

  9. Anxiety has taken away his appetite.

  10. She 's much better ; she 's got an appetite now.

  11. I need a sandwich to take the edge off my appetite.

  12. I have no appetite because i did n't sleep well last night.

  13. When my appetite goes, things are serious.

  14. I am blessed with a good appetite.

  15. Every individual taste, every natural appetite, was bridled by caution.

  16. His appetite became ravenous and his caloric intake doubled, yet he lost 10 kg

  17. I don ' t suppose i ' d have much of an appetite if i was actually concussed

  18. Now that youve worked up a hearty appetite touring the city, dont forget to make dinner plans for one of the crescent citys countless eateries

    花園區garden district是綠意盎然安寧的富裕區,遍植橡樹棕櫚杜鵑等等。
  19. No meat was given to the dog even when it refused vegetarian food and it just fasted. three shock treatments later, her puppy developed a very good appetite and now eats almost anything. in addition to its main staple of sweet corn and cheese, it also loves bean sprouts, vegetable stalks, peanuts, pine nuts, guavas, tomatoes, pears, custard apples and other sweet fruits

    11 .原本肉食的動物改為素食時,如果遇到任何障礙,你可以循序漸進,逐日減少肉食量,增加其它素食品不過,福爾摩沙永和市的陳小姐則對她的愛犬採取震撼教育法,當它拒食時亦不提供任何肉品,讓它自然斷食,如此反覆三次后,她的小狗便胃口大開,幾乎什麼都吃,除了乳酪玉米等主食外,舉凡芽菜蔬菜梗花生松子等堅果芭樂蕃茄水梨釋迦等各種甜味水果無一不愛。
  20. Depressed of spirit of prodromal stage expression, happy event is afraid of light is dark, unresponsive, do not listen to host to call, do not wish to contact a person, appetite abnormality, happy event bite take a foreign matter, deglutition crane is difficult, salivary grow in quantity, hind drive is faint, pupil comes loose big
