caderousse 中文意思是什麼

caderousse 解釋
  1. The assizes, also, were about to begin, and villefort, shut up in his room, exerted himself with feverish anxiety in drawing up the case against the murderer of caderousse

  2. " oh, sir, " said caderousse, putting out one hand timidly, and with the other wiping away the perspiration which bedewed his brow, - " oh, sir, do not make a jest of the happiness or despair of a man.

    「噢,先生, 」卡德魯斯怯生生地伸出了一隻手,用另外那隻手抹掉了他額上的汗珠, 「噢,先生您可別拿一個人的快樂或失望開玩笑! 」
  3. " he seems besotted, " said danglars, pushing caderousse with his knee

    「他看上去不大對頭, 」騰格拉爾碰碰卡德魯斯的膝蓋說。
  4. " eh, dear friend, " said caderousse, " are wills ever made without codicils

    「咦!好朋友, 」卡德魯斯說, 「立遺囑難道竟沒有附言嗎?
  5. " i hope it may be so, " replied caderousse, his face flushed with cupidity

    「我也希望如此。 」卡德魯斯回答,他的臉上閃耀著希望和貪欲的紅光。
  6. Caderousse s knife, dark lantern, bunch of keys, and clothing, excepting the waistcoat, which could not be found, were deposited at the registry ; the corpse was conveyed to the morgue

  7. The priest gazed on the person addressing him with a long and searching gaze - there even seemed a disposition on his part to court a similar scrutiny on the part of the inn - keeper ; then, observing in the countenance of the latter no other expression than extreme surprise at his own want of attention to an inquiry so courteously worded, he deemed it as well to terminate this dumb show, and therefore said, speaking with a strong italian accent, " you are, i presume, m. caderousse ?

    教士用探詢的目光注視了一會兒眼前這個人,他似乎準備把客棧老闆的注意力吸引過去。但除了看到對方臉上露出的極端驚訝的神色外,別無其他表情,於是他便結束了這一幕啞劇,帶著一種強烈的義大利口音問道: 「我想,您是卡德魯斯先生吧? 」
  8. The sobriquet of la carconte had been bestowed on madeleine radelle from the fact that she had been born in a village, so called, situated between salon and lambesc ; and as a custom existed among the inhabitants of that part of france where caderousse lived of styling every person by some particular and distinctive appellation, her husband had bestowed on her the name of la carconte in place of her sweet and euphonious name of madeleine, which, in all probability, his rude gutteral language would not have enabled him to pronounce

  9. " because there is a little secret, a precaution i thought it desirable to take, one of huret fitchet s locks, revised and improved by gaspard caderousse ; i will manufacture you a similar one when you are a capitalist.

    「因為其中有一個小小的秘密,一種我認為很值得採取的預防手段一把經過葛司柏卡德魯斯設計改良過的保險鎖,當你成為一個資本家的時候,我可以給你照樣造一把。 」
  10. " let us see the ground floor, " said caderousse

    「我們來看看樓下的情形吧。 」
  11. And, whatever people may say, " continued caderousse, in his native language, which was not altogether devoid of rude poetry, " i cannot help being more frightened at the idea of the malediction of the dead than the hatred of the living.

    而不管別人怎麼說, 」卡德魯斯用他那種充滿庸俗的詩意的鄉談繼續說道。 「我卻總覺得死人的詛咒比活人的仇恨更可怕些。 」
  12. It was a masonic sign caderousse had taught him

  13. Caderousse, more and more astonished, went toward a large oaken cupboard, opened it, and gave the abb a long purse of faded red silk, round which were two copper runners that had once been gilt. the abb

  14. Caderousse quickly performed the stranger s bidding ; and after pouring some into a glass, and slowly swallowing its contents, the abb, resuming his usual placidity of manner, said, as he placed his empty glass on the table, - " where did we leave off ?

    教士在杯子里倒了一些水,慢慢地喝完了它,又恢復了他往常那種沉著的態度,一面把他的空杯子放到桌子上,一面說: 「我們剛才說到什麼地方了? 」
  15. Danglars took advantage of caderousse ' s temper at the moment, to take him off towards marseilles by the porte saint - victor, staggering as he went

  16. " yes yes, " said caderousse ; and his eyes glistened at the thought of this posthumous revenge

    「好的,好的。 」卡德魯斯說。想到死後能夠復仇,他的眼睛頓時煥發起來。
  17. Rejoined caderousse quickly ; " no more do i, and that was what i was observing to this gentleman just now. i said i looked upon it as a sacrilegious profanation to reward treachery, perhaps crime.

    我剛才對這位先生所說的就是這一點,我說,我認為對背信棄義,甚至對罪惡反而加以酬報,是一種污瀆神靈的行為。 」
  18. Caderousse took from his pocket a small case of black shagreen, opened, and gave it to the jeweller

  19. Calmly drawing forth from his pocket a small box covered with black shagreen, the abb opened it, and displayed to the dazzled eyes of caderousse the sparkling jewel it contained, set in a ring of admirable workmanship

  20. " there was evidently a severe struggle in the mind of caderousse ; it was plain that the small shagreen case, which he turned over and over in his hand, did not seem to him commensurate in value to the enormous sum which fascinated his gaze
