dengfeng 中文意思是什麼

dengfeng 解釋
  1. Establish foreign - invested enterprise complaint center and " economic110 " of people ' s government of dengfeng city earnestly protect legal rights of foreign - invested enterprises and investors

    建立登封市人民政府外來企業投訴中心和"經濟110 " ,切實維護外來投資企業及投資者的合法權益。
  2. Foreign - invested enterprise complaint center of people ' s government of dengfeng city is a special body for receiving, coordinating, treating and handling complaints from foreign - invested enterprises and investors in dengfeng city

  3. For chinese students abroad entering dengfeng with their new & high - tech achievement conversion projects, the municipal government shall provide infrastructures and standard workshops free of charge

  4. Anji dengfeng bamboo products factory in the famous town of anji, the traffic situation is extremely advantageous

  5. Theoretical and empirical comparison between chinese and western personality structure. wang dengfeng, cui hong

  6. The object oriented, other oriented, and self oriented characteristics of the chinese people. cui hong, wang dengfeng

  7. Interlayer gliding tectonics in baiping minefield, dengfeng coalfield and their studying significance

  8. Dengfeng city jinxing refractory anjlfrlction materials co., ltd. china

  9. Dengfeng city jinxing refractory anjlfrlction materials co., ltd. china at ecthai. com - an e - commerce gateway in thailand

    登封市金星耐材有限公司泰國電子商務通道ecthai . com
  10. Since the 1990s, the people in dengfeng have entered a bran - new stage of urban construction with their intelligence and great efforts

  11. Dengfeng tailong tungsten & molybdenum material co., ltd. was founded in 2006, it is a high - tech enterprise that incorporate with development, production and develop tungsten molybdenum product

  12. To solve the defects of the existing enterprise management system of dengfeng electric power bureau, the information management and decision making support system suitable for the unit was designed, by which the data integration for all subsystems and decision - making support are realized

  13. Trunk highways such as n0. g207 nationd highway, nos237, s316and s323 provincial highways pass through dengfeng, zhenghz011 - shaolin expressway has been completed and open to traffic, luoyang " shaolin expressway will be completed soon, xucheng - shaolin expressway is under constmction, gongyi - shaolin expressway and ruzh011 - shaolin expressway are under positive preparation

    國道g207線、省道s237線、 s316線、 s323線等干線公路從登封境內鄭州至少林高速公路己建成通車,洛陽至少林高速公路即將建成,許昌至少林高速公路己開工建設,鞏義至少林、汝州至少林高速公路正在積極籌建。