diminishing returns 中文意思是什麼

diminishing returns 解釋

  1. This process is never completed, but it disobeys the law of diminishing returns.

  2. As a result, they are subject to rapidly diminishing returns to increased labor inputs.

  3. Increasing, constant or diminishing returns to scale

  4. Diminishing returns law of

  5. Estimated honor will show an amount of honor that does not factor in diminishing returns

  6. Unstable affliction : the silence from this ability is now subject to diminishing returns

  7. If there is a law of diminishing returns, it doesn ' t seem anyone in advertising is aware

  8. There is a law of diminishing returns that becomes operative in old age, i find

  9. As this approach reached the point of diminishing returns, new methods of studying the subsurface were needed.

  10. Yet this simple arithmetic ignores an offsetting effect : diminishing marginal returns

  11. As will be shown, the shape of the yield response curve is closely related to the idea of diminishing marginal returns

  12. Because of the number of targets available, diminishing returns will reset before anyone goes immune to the cc

  13. Another reason would be the possibility that productivity gains arising from it investments may experience diminishing returns

  14. Some times we are tempted to plan a lot of things and after some time the law of diminishing returns operates

  15. In my first lecture on the economics of fertilization, i examined the concept of diminishing marginal returns and how this is related to the shape of the production function

  16. One problem, as the producers of the rocky series know only too well, is that sequels are subject to the laws of diminishing returns

  17. Diminishing returns may eventually set in as overworked employees lose efficiency or leave for more arable pastures

  18. Blind changed : no longer requires a reagent ; shares diminishing returns with cyclone ; now considered a physical ranged attack ; no longer considered a poison effect

    致盲改變為:不再需要致盲粉;和颶風共享遞減效果.被重新認為為物理技能而非毒藥技能. (也就是矮子不能石像解了
  19. Romer and lucas are pioneers, they adopt equilibrium and optimization method of neoclassical economics, concentrated on eliminating diminishing returns in growth model and endogenizing technological progress, expanded and improved traditional neoclassical growth theory

  20. Of course the law of diminishing returns states that you will not create exponentially greater layers of protection with each application, but meguiar ' s knows that a second, and sometimes third application will insure uniform, thorough coverage over the majority of the surface, thus maximizing the protection
