lady grey 中文意思是什麼

lady grey 解釋
  • lady : n 1 貴婦;淑女。2 〈L 〉夫人,小姐〈英國擁有某些爵位的貴族妻女的尊稱〉。3 〈常 pl 〉女士(們)〈...
  • grey : adj 1 灰色的,灰白的,本色的。2 灰暗的,陰沉的,陰暗的。3 灰白頭發的;衰老的;老練的,成熟的。4 ...
  1. Mrs linton took off the grey cloak of the dairymaid which we had borrowed for our excursion, shaking her head and expostulating with her, i suppose : she was a young lady, and they made a distinction between her treatment and mine

  2. The two younger of the trio fine girls of sixteen and seventeen had grey beaver hats, then in fashion, shaded with ostrich plumes, and from under the brim of this graceful head - dress fell a profusion of light tresses, elaborately curled ; the elder lady was enveloped in a costly velvet shawl, trimmed with ermine, and she wore a false front of french curls

  3. But snickering sceptics saw people grabbing usa today more than its closest broadsheet rivals, the very grey wall street journal and “ the gray lady ” otherwise known as the new york times ? both rich and dense in reporting

    但是當初竊笑的懷疑論者看到人們搶奪《今日美國》而不是和它實力最接近的競爭對手,即沉悶的《華爾街日報》和「灰色女士」 《紐約時報》 ? ?這兩份報紙在報道時內容豐富、周到詳盡。
  4. Kudou yukiksome call me a legendary of japanese showbiz … … and others call me a wife of the worldwide mystery writer … … i address myself as … … the lady grey cells night baroness

    工藤有希子:有些人說我是日本屈指可數的傳說中的美麗女演員… …有些人則說我是世界知名推理作家的妻子… …其實我是… …擁有灰色腦細胞的女偵探… …暗夜男爵夫人
  5. Kudou yukiko : some call me a legendary of japanese showbiz … … and others call me a wife of the worldwide mystery writer … … i address myself as … … the lady grey cells night baroness

    工藤有希子:有些人說我是日本屈指可數的傳說中的美麗女演員… …有些人則說我是世界知名推理作家的妻子… …其實我是… …擁有灰色腦細胞的女偵探… …暗夜男爵夫人
  6. " i ' ve been a widow since 1950, " the newspaper quoted the old lady as saying, with a photograph of her at home in the central city of irapuato wearing a checkered housecoat over a flowery skirt, her grey hair in a bun

    弗洛萊斯在接受墨西哥改革報時表示: 「自從1950年起,我便一直是一個寡婦。現在,馬丁內斯聲稱離開我他就活不下去了,因為他是那麼的愛我,但我可不這么想。
  7. And yonder about that grey urn where the water moves at times in thoughtful irrigation you saw another as fragrant sisterhood, floey, atty, tiny and their darker friend with i know not what of arresting in her pose then, our lady of the cherries, a comely brace of them pendent from an ear, bringing out the foreign warmth of the skin so daintily against the cool ardent fruit

    那邊,每逢灰色水池裡的灌溉用水徐徐流淌,水面便起漣漪。水池周圍,你可以瞥見同樣香氣襲人的姐妹們:弗洛伊阿蒂蒂尼289以及她們那位身姿不知怎地分外引人注目的膚色稍黑的朋友櫻桃王后290 。她一隻耳朵上佩帶著玲瓏的櫻桃耳墜子:冰涼火紅的果實襯著異國情調的溫暖肌膚,相得益彰。
  8. " look at lady jane grey, " he says ; " look at gilford dudley ; look at old northumberland

    「看看珍妮格雷夫人吧」他說, 「看看基爾福特杜特雷吧看看老諾森伯蘭吧!
  9. When he had escorted one guest to the hall, the count returned to the gentleman or lady who was still in the drawing - room. moving up a chair, and with the air of a man fond of society and at home in it, he would sit down, his legs jauntily apart, and his hands on his knees, and sway to and fro with dignity as he proffered surmises upon the weather, gave advice about health, sometimes in russian, sometimes in very bad but complacent french. then again he would get up, and with the air of a man weary but resolute in the performance of his duty, he would escort guests out, stroking up his grey hair over his bald patch, and again he would urge them to come to dinner

  10. Lady jane grey is replaced by mary i of england as queen of england after having that title for just nine days
