margins 中文意思是什麼

margins 解釋
  1. Gently feel for the small thickenings of milk sinuses beneath or around the margins of the areola

  2. Yellow - green or yellow chlorosis or brown necrosis in basal areas of older and expanding leaves ; margins curled downwards and leaf expansion irregular and suppressed ; chlorosis and necrosis spreading into interveinal areas of older leaves ; youngest leaves distorted, necrotic and failing to expand ; petioles truncated ; death of stem growing point

  3. Some metallic ores are found in the margins of batholiths and other intrusives which can be detailed under drift by magnetic surveys.

  4. Blotchy irregular interveinal fading and orange - yellow chlorosis of older leaves, margins culed and sometimes scorched ; younger leaves remaining green

  5. Blotchy interveinal yellow - green mottling and marginal yellowing of expanded leaflets ; irregular brown necrotic patches ; wavy margins and down - curved leaf tips

  6. Older leaves ( except sometimes the first leaf and also cotyledons ) show bright yellow or orange blotchy interveinal chlorosis, leaf margins are inrolled. tips of leaflets scorch and leaves wither

  7. If the sepals are joined at their lateral margins a calyx tube is formed, the mouth of which may be extended into lobes or teeth

  8. Sharp grade cutoffs are the rule at margins of orebodies.

  9. Older leaves first affected with bright yellow - green or yellow interveinal chlorosis, inrolling of margins, wilting, bleaching and withering before dehiscing prematurely ; youngest leaves and growing point persist for longest period

  10. Dentate toothed describing leaf margins that have a series of outward - pointing notches

    齒狀(鋸齒狀的) :葉片邊緣有一系列向外的缺刻。
  11. Two brothers abandoned by their parents as well as social services provided by the state muddle through life depending solely upon each other. they are two young men who have been pushed to the margins : one is mentally handicapped and the other has aids. the second installment of cuis family trilogy after last years withered in blossoming season, the maverick filmmaker continues his criticism against economism with compassion for the downtrodden

  12. In this essay i argue that the writing of american jazz age novelist f. scott fitzgerald responds to the developing national culture of his time, here described as an evolving relation between the marginality of the region and the hegemony of the center. like many of the characters in his novels, fitzgerald ' s perceived liminality from nation and canon - his work did not achieve repute until after his death - produced, paradoxically, dependence on those values the writer felt most distant from. to a far greater extent than hemingway, fitzgerald fictionalized the commodity culture of the american center which he, in time, came to reject in favor of a moral posture. fitzgerald ' s migration from the perceived margins of american literary discourse to status as a posthumous, centered canonical figure has three specific dimensions - the geographical, the canonical, and the moral - all of which combine to produce a significant ambivalence, beyond " modernist " credentials, in his life and legacy

    本文認為,美國爵士時代的小說家菲茨傑拉德的作品對于作者所處時代和處于發展之中的民族文化(即區域邊緣與國家霸權之間的演進關系)作出了回應.正如其小說中的許多人物一樣,菲茨傑拉德從國家和典律中感知到閾限性(他自己的作品直到死後才獲得盛譽) ,這使得他依賴于自己認為是最為邊遠的價值觀念.與海明威相比較,菲茨傑拉德在更大程度上將位於美國中心的商品文化小說化,而最終他又出於道德考量將它予以拒絕.菲茨傑拉德從明顯的美國文學話語邊緣向去世之後被經典化的中心地位的漂移表現在地理、典律、道德三個方面.三者交織,使得學界關於他的紛爭超越了現代主義者身份問題,在關於他的人生和文學遺產問題上也是褒貶不一,眾說紛紜
  13. If the graphics origin starts at the page margins

  14. Grid line values are usually placed in the margins of the map.

  15. Hireling buy margins should now be getting properly saved

  16. After deducting all costs messrs hofman and kuijs reckon that profit margins have risen from less than 3 % in 1999 to almost 6 % in 2005

    而在扣除了所有成本后,郝、高兩位都認為利潤率僅由1999年的不足3 %增加到了2005年的近6 % 。
  17. As jay chiat intuited, big companies often show more signs of sickness ( low morale, dissatisfied customers, meagre margins ) than their smaller competitors

    正如傑伊?恰特憑直覺知道的,相比較小的競爭對手,大公司通常有更多病癥(士氣低落、顧客不滿、利潤率微薄) 。
  18. The seaward margins of these benches are transitional and cannot be defined as easily as the landward margins.

  19. Consists of printed groundwood free bleachable manilla - coloured cards, which have been manufactured for use in tabulating machines. this grade may contain maila - coloured tabulating cards with tinted margins

    白表格卡紙:主要用亞硫酸鹽漿或硫酸鹽漿製成的白表格卡紙,供表格編制機使用。帶有印刷油墨。可以帶劃有顏色細線的白卡紙。不允許混有雜物。不合格廢紙總量不得超過1 % 。
  20. The margins on small cars just aren't high enough.
