quiet 中文意思是什麼

音標 ['kwaiət]
quiet 解釋
adj. 形容詞 1. 靜的,恬靜的,平靜的。
2. (生物)不動的,安靜的。
3. 肅靜的,寂靜的。
4. (市面)蕭條的;(比賽等)鬆懈的。
5. (態度、舉止等)鎮靜的,沉著的;溫和的。
6. (社會)太平的,安定的,平穩無事的;(環境、生活方式等)單調的,無變化的;閑適的,從容的。
7. 不顯眼的,樸素的,素靜的 (opp. loud)。
8. 秘密的,私下的,暗地裡的;轉彎抹角的;藏在心裏的。
9. (街道等)僻靜的。
10. 非正式的。
n. 名詞 1. 寂靜,肅靜。
2. 穩靜;沉靜,沉著。
3. 沉默。
4. 安靜,休養,靜養。
5. 和平,平穩,安定,太平。
vt. 及物動詞 1. 使靜,使寧靜。
2. 撫慰,安慰。
3. 使緩和,平息,使鎮定。
vi. 不及物動詞 平靜,變靜,變穩 (down)。
vt. 及物動詞 -ize 給…隔音;使隔音。
adv. 動詞 副詞 -ly ,-ness n. 名詞
  1. We were heading s. s. w., and had a steady breeze abeam and a quiet sea

  2. I wanted peace and quiet, tranquility, but was too much aboil inside.

  3. Since the advent of emilia, his mind was never quiet.

  4. Over the past 10 years, apc has almost been dominating the aerobatic scene. apc is a very efficient propeller design, especially the tips, which make them very quiet and efficient

    過去10年, apc幾乎是這行業的狡狡者,其中有很多訣竅讓他的產品非常單安靜有效率。
  5. Alarm bell ringing - ooh. shh ! quiet down

  6. I had given in allegiance to duty and order; i was quiet, i believed i was content.

  7. Ethan allen hawley's quiet, dim, and inward day was gone.

  8. I bid them be quiet, now that they saw me returned, and, benumbed to my very heart, i dragged upstairs ; whence, after putting on dry clothes, and pacing to and fro thirty or forty minutes, to restore the animal heat, i am adjourned to my study, feeble as a kitten : almost too much so to enjoy the cheerful fire and smoking coffee which the servant has prepared for my refreshment

  9. Unique peace and quiet dispersant and antioxidant

  10. They are always quiet, always cheerful, comfortable, and appreciative of life and its manifold blessings.

  11. So quiet the grove was, so still the air, that even the aspen leaves hung limp.

  12. It was very quiet in the assembly hall.

  13. The cherishing and training of some trees ; the cautious pruning of others ; the nice distribution of flowers and plants of tender and graceful foliage ; the introduction of a green slope of velvet turf ; the partial opening to a peep of blue distance, or silver gleam of water ; ? all these are managed with a delicate tact, a pervading yet quiet assiduity, like the magic touchings with which a painter finishes up a favorite picture

    欹斜之樹須正,修枝去葉,刪繁就簡,所得可謂奉若至寶;枝葉婆娑,花葉相映,令人賞心悅目;坡草青青,宛若天鵝絨地毯,光滑細膩;茂林之中偶露一隙,遠處藍天隱約可見,或現一池春水,碧波蕩漾? ?凡此種種,皆為人工造化,潤物無聲,猶如畫師當其畫稿殺青之際得一神來之筆,渾然天成。
  14. The quiet village suddenly became astir.

  15. The night was quiet, and there was no sound of anything astir.

  16. The great horse came to a standstill in a quiet corner close by the temple of athena.

  17. My family i have a happy family. i like my father very much, he is very young, he has big eyes of black, small nose, small mouth and round face. he has the short hair of black, the shoes of dress white shirt, black pants and brown. he likes black, my father is very handsome. my mother is also very young, she likes yellow, she has black of big eyes, small nose, small mouth with long of face. she has aureate and short hair, the shirt of dress pink, the shoes of the skirt and red of black. my mother is very beautiful. but i am a gentle and quiet girl, i like blue, i have black of long hair, black of big eyes, small nose, small mouth with long of face. i wear blue shirt, the skirt of the white and the shoes of the black. we are all very high

  18. I have a happy family. i am like my father very much, he is very young, he has big eyes of black, small nose, child, small mouth and round face. he has the short hair of black, the shoes of dress white shirt, black pants and brown. he likes black, my father is very handsome. my mother is also very young, she likes a yellow, she has black of big eyes, small nose, child, small mouth with long of face. she has aureate and short hair, the shirt of dress pink, the shoes of the skirt and red of black. my mother is very beautiful. but i am a gentle and quiet girl, i like a blue, i have black of long hair, have black of big eyes, small nose, child, small mouth with long of face. i wear blue shirt, the skirt of the white and the shoes of the black. we are all very high

  19. He was the bard of the farmers and workers of new england and his quiet verse mirrored the staid new hampshire countryside.

  20. One of those calm, quiet, sedate natures, to whom the temptations of turbulent nerves or vehement passions are things utterly incomprehensible ( harriet beecher stowe

    對具有沉著的、溫和的和穩重的性格的人來說,好騷動的神經或熱烈的感情誘惑是完全不可理解的事(哈麗特?比徹?斯托) 。