reek 中文意思是什麼

音標 [ri:k]
reek 解釋
n. 名詞 1. 〈主 Scot. 〉煙。
2. 熱氣,水蒸氣。
3. 惡臭;腐臭的空氣。
4. 霧。
vi. 不及物動詞 冒煙;冒水蒸汽,冒熱氣;冒血腥氣;放惡臭,沖鼻子 (of; with)。
reek of garlic 發出大蒜的臭氣。
reek with gore 染滿淤血。
reek of affectation 擺臭架子。
reek of blood 冒血腥氣。
reek of murder 殺氣騰騰。
vt. 及物動詞 用煙熏;散發(煙、水汽等);發出…的氣息。
Her manner reeks prosperity. 她的風度顯出有錢的樣子。

  1. Smells of men. his gorge rose. spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, men s beery piss, the stale of ferment

  2. But a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek

  3. . . but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek.

    . . .不過是一夥強盜在茅草頂豬圈的臭氣中喝酒. .
  4. Here we are all just ready to drop down, and the critters all in a reek of sweat.

  5. Lang may your lum reek and your kailpot boil

  6. Misty it is still, glowing through clouds of dust and reek.

  7. Their full buck eyes regarded him as he went by, amid the sweet oaten reek of horsepiss. their eldorado

  8. The portals of the rich reek of flesh and wine while frozen bodies lie by the roadside.

  9. A poor soul gone to heaven : and on a heath beneath winking stars a fox, red reek of rapine in his fur, with merciless bright eyes scraped in the earth, listened, scraped up the earth, listened, scraped and scraped. sitting at his side stephen solved out the problem. he proves by algebra that shakespeare s ghost is hamlet s grandfather

  10. Ideas are handed down from generation to generation, although, like grandmother's pillows and covers, they reek of staleness.

  11. Scynth desalths / a says, " the eastern winds reek with the smell of death and decay. more so than usual, at least.

  12. Said my homeboy reek, he just lost one of his kids

  13. Then spoke young stephen orgulous of mother church that would cast him out of her bosom, of law of canons, of lilith, patron of abortions, of bigness wrought by wind of seeds of brightness or by potency of vampires mouth to mouth or, as virgilius saith, by the influence of the occident or by the reek of moonflower or an she lie with a woman which her man has but lain with effectu secuto, or peradventure in her bath according to the opinions of averroes and moses maimonides

    並談及妊娠之種種原因:或由風播下光輝的種子34 ,或通過吸血鬼之魔力嘴對嘴地35懷上了孕或如維吉爾所云,借西風之力36 ,或借月光花之腥臭,或與一名剛跟丈夫睡過覺的女人刻不容緩地37去睡覺。據阿威羅伊與摩西邁蒙尼德之見解,或入浴時亦能懷孕。
  14. Afar, in a reek of lust and squalor, hands are laid on whiteness

  15. You still reek of poverty

  16. She leads him towards the steps, drawing him by the odour of her armpits, the vice of her painted eyes, the rustle of her slip in whose sinuous folds lurks the lion reek of all the male brutes that have possessed her

    她把他領向臺階,用她腋下的氣味描了眼線的雙目的魅力以及套裙的? ?聲吸引著他,荷葉邊的裙褶還遺留著所有那些曾經佔有過她的雄獸如獅子般的臭氣。
  17. What inconvenienced him most was the stuffy, dense, overheated air of the place with its strong, haunting smell, a smell peculiar to this part of a theater, and, as such, compact of the reek of gas, of the glue used in the manufacture of the scenery, of dirty dark nooks and corners and of questionably clean chorus girls

  18. He waited by the counter, inhaling the keen reek of drugs, the dusty dry smell of sponges and loofahs. lot of time taken up telling your aches and pains

  19. Loathe your flames. they reek of hope

  20. A : urgh, you reek of garlic
