
中文拼音 [chǎng]
名詞(外套) cloak
  1. And he must have a fire in the middle of summer ; and joseph s bacca pipe is poison ; and he must always have sweets and dainties, and always milk, milk for ever - heeding naught how the rest of us are pinched in winter ; and there he ll sit, wrapped in his furred cloak in his chair by the fire, some toast and water or other slop on the hob to sip at ; and if hareton, for pity, comes to amuse him - hareton is not bad - natured, though he s rough - they re sure to part, one swearing and the other crying

  2. And who among the company at monseigneur s reception in that seventeen hundred and eightieth year of our lord, could possibly doubt, that a system rooted in a frizzled hangman, powdered, gold - laced, pumped, and white - silk stockinged, would see the very stars out

  3. The beautiful woman threw off her sabletrimmed wrap, displaying her queenly shoulders and heaving embonpoint

  4. At all events he wound up by concluding, eschewing for the nonce hidebound precedent, a cup of epps s cocoa and a shakedown for the night plus the use of a rug or two and overcoat doubled into a pillow. at least he would be in safe hands and as warm as a toast on a trivet

    不管怎樣,他打定主意這樣了結此事:為了避免重蹈那隻瘦狗的覆轍,當夜姑且讓他喝上一杯埃普可可251 ,臨時打個地鋪,再給他一兩條圍毯蓋蓋,把大折疊起來當枕頭。
  5. By god she had some luxurious opera cloaks and things there. mr dedalus wandered back, pipe in hand

    「哎唷,她盡管住在那樣的地方,卻還有赴歌劇院的豪華大什麼的。 」
  6. In the howling universe of passion and contention that seemed to encompass this grim old officer conspicuous in his grey coat and red decoration, there was but one quite steady figure, and that was a woman s

  7. Sun dongsheng accompanied, zhaoxia man, 10000 golden fired at the land, emeishan furniture legs gradually start to put on the dachang gold, showing a beautiful weary of it all

  8. From the palace of the tuileries, through monseigneur and the whole court, through the chambers, the tribunals of justice, and all society except the scarecrows, the fancy ball descended to the common executioner : who, in pursuance of the charm, was required to officiate frizzled, powdered, in a gold - laced coat, pumps, and white silk stockings

    從杜伊勒麗宮大人宮廷樞密院法庭,到整個社會都是一場化裝舞會衣衫襤褸者除外,連普通的劊子手也要參加。劊子手行刑也得按靈符的要求「卷發撲粉身穿金邊外白色長統絲襪和輕便無袢鞋」 。
  9. Miss pross was a pleasant sight, albeit wild, and red, and grim, taking off her darling s bonnet when she came up - stairs, and touching it up with the ends of her handkerchief, and blowing the dust off it, and folding her mantle ready for laying by, and smoothing her rich hair with as much pride as she could possibly have taken in her own hair if she had been the vainest and handsomest of women

  10. A borrowed cloak does not keep one warm

    借來的大不暖身。 /求人不如求己。
  11. M. d epinay became very pale ; he looked round him a second time, several members of the club were whispering, and getting their arms from under their cloaks

  12. A garment to be wrapped or folded about a person, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl, or coat

  13. Villefort rose, or rather sprang, from his chair, hastily opened one of the drawers of his desk, emptied all the gold it contained into his pocket, stood motionless an instant, his hand pressed to his head, muttered a few inarticulate sounds, and then, perceiving that his servant had placed his cloak on his shoulders, he sprang into the carriage, ordering the postilions to drive to m. de saint - m ran s. the hapless dant

  14. I observed that they were both wrapped in cloaks and appeared to conceal themselves

  15. He imagined that as in africa he had had to sit in a mosque wearing a burnous, in moscow he must be gracious and bountiful as the tsars

  16. Luigi threw his cloak on the ground, placed his carbine on his shoulder, and freed from his heavy covering, preceded the traveller with the rapid step of a mountaineer, which a horse can scarcely keep up with

  17. Opening his cloak, he took the cross which decorated his green coat and gave it to me.

  18. Then, opening his cloak, he took the cross which decorated his green coat and gave it to me.

  19. He ran to the window and i to the door, just in time to behold the two lintons descend from the family carriage, smothered in cloaks and furs, and the earnshaws dismount from their horses : they often rode to church in winter

  20. He wore a dark feather in his hat, a border of embroidery on his cloak, and a black velvet tunic beneath ; a gentleman advanced in years, with a hard experience written in his wrinkles
