純交換 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [chúnjiāohuàn]
純交換 英文
pure exchange
  • : 形容詞1 (純凈; 不含雜質) pure; unmixed 2 (純粹; 單純) simple; pure and simple 3 (純熟) skil...
  • : Ⅰ動詞1 (把事物轉移給有關方面) hand over; give up; deliver 2 (到某一時辰或季節) reach (a cert...
  • : 動詞1. (給人東西同時從他那裡取得別的東西) exchange; barter; trade 2. (變換; 更換) change 3. (兌換) exchange; cash
  1. More than that, in this paper we firstly used cu2 + dative adsorption and ion exchange methods to purify polysaccharide of entrromorpha clathrata grev. polysaccharides with 98. 4 % quality and 97. 8 % recovery ratio were obtained

  2. Strain bl21, and gene expression was induced by iptg. the target proteins were directed into the periplasmic space by the staphylococcal protein a signal sequence preceding the rgd - hirudin gene. using ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration chromatography, the chimera proteins were purified, and both of them showed a single band in tricine - sds - page. the results of activity analysis suggested that these two chimera proteins not only have antithrombin activities, but gain platelet aggregation inhibitory activities as well

    通過離子層析和凝膠過濾層分別對兩種嵌合體蛋白進行化,化產物在tricine - sds - page中都顯示為單一條帶。活性分析結果表明兩種嵌合體蛋白在保留水蛭素抗凝血酶活力的同時,還呈現抗血小板聚集活性。
  3. Finally, the anion exchanger was used to recover dehalogenase from unclarified cell homogenate, while the cation exchanger was introduced to purify nattokinase directly from fermentation broth

  4. 6 - phosphogluconate dehydrogenase ( 6 - pgadase, ec 1. 1. 1. 44 ) was isolated by homogenate, ammunium sulfate fractionation, deae - sepharose chromatography, blue - sepharose affinity chromatography and gel filtration with sephadex g - 200 from bacillus subtilis, and some properties of the enzyme had been studied. a 113. 8 - fold purification was obtained with a 8. 2 % yield. the purified enzyme moved as a single electrophoretic band in page

    將枯草芽孢桿菌超聲波破壁后的粗提取物進行分段鹽析、 deae - sepharose陰離子柱層析, blue - sepharosecl - 6b特異結合柱層析和sephadexg - 200凝膠過濾等化步驟,得到聚丙烯酰胺凝膠電泳為單一蛋白區帶,比活為1 . 46u mg的酶制劑。
  5. A new method of producing comparatively pure potassium sulphate from seawater using inartificial zeolite as the medium of ion exchange was especially introduced

  6. This enzyme was different with the ones reported in the past. a phosphatase was isolated from the chloroplast thylakoid membrane of ipomoea aquatica, by nacl extration, ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion - exchange chromatography and hydrophic chromatography through butyl - toyopearl 650m column

    使用nacl抽提、硫酸銨分步沉澱、離子和butyl - toyopearl650m疏水柱層析等方法,從蕹菜葉綠體類囊體膜中分離化到一種蛋白磷酸酯酶。
  7. Based on the extensive studies of subtilisin - like protease ( prl ) of metarhizium anisopliae, extracellullar serine protease is suggested to be a key enzyme involved in the fimgal penetration to invertebrates. the investigation of serine protease in the nematode infected by owvtl may help to understand the mechanism of nematophagous fimgi as biological control agents. a 3l kda serine protease was isolated and purified from the liquid culture of h rhossiliensis owvtl challenged with nematode panagrellus redivivus

    本研究利用線蟲誘導下owvt - 1菌株液體發酵,通過粗分級分離、離子層析和凝膠過濾層析分離提了一個分子量為31kda的絲氨酸蛋白酶,生物學測定表明其對大豆胞囊線蟲二齡幼蟲具有致死作用,同時測定了該酶理化特性,酶活力在75附近酶活力最高,隨著ph的增加酶的穩定性升高,與膽堿酯酶具有相似的ph曲線,對特異性底物aape ( suc - ala - ala - pro - glu - pna )具有作用, ssi和ci - 2抑制該酶的活性。
  8. The ps ii native fractions ( 20 % and 30 % ) were loaded onto a deae column. the fraction eluted with 150 mm nacl was presented dcip reduction activity and was highly depleted in chi c and xanthophylls, and as such could be considered a ps ii core complex

    對于有dcip光還原活性的20和30層帶的復合物,進一步deae離子層析化。 150mmnacl洗脫化后的樣品經過熒光激發光譜測定發現,已經去除了葉綠素c和墨角藻黃素,並且仍然具有dcip的光活性,分析是ps核心復合物。
  9. The xerocomus spadiceus lectin, xsl, was isolated from extracts of fruiting bodies of the mushroom xerocomus spadiceus using a procedure that involved ( nh4 ) 2so4 precipitation, anion exchange chromatography on deae - cellulose, affinity chromatography on affi - gel blue gel, cation exchange chromatography on cm - cellulose, and gel filtration by fast protein liquid chromatography on superdex 75

    從磚紅絨蓋牛肝菌( xerocomusspadiceus )子實體粗提物中,經過deae -纖維素陰離子層析、 affi - gelbluegel親和層析、 cm -纖維素陽離子層析和superdex75fplc凝膠過濾,化了磚紅絨蓋牛肝菌凝集素。
  10. Based on the above - mentioned situation, it is therefore suggested that the fixed telecom network company will focus on how to add voice service on ip man, and to increase value added service, i. e. to develop the pure sip packet voice on the broadband man, and to boundle instant messageand user presence business ; to promote mgcph. 248 mode and sip mode on the newly established community using broadband lan access ; the big media gateway in the soft switching will mainly suitable for the broadband ip man voice service and pstn interconnection

    根據以上情況的分析,建議固定網路電信公司將發展的重點放在如何在寬帶ip城域網上增加話音業務,提高增值收入方面。即在寬帶城域網上發展sip分組話音方式,綁定即時消息和用戶狀態( presence )業務;在新建寬帶lan接入小區推廣mgcph . 248話機和sip話機方式;軟中大媒體網關方式主要用作寬帶ip城域網上話音業務與pstn互通方面。
  11. Medium experiments were arranged under uniform design, and then an optimum medium was got accordingly. the culture liquid was centrifugalized at 3, 500r / min for 30min, then ammonium sulfate was added into the supernatant to a final concentration of 30 % to precipitate the others

    通過硫酸銨分級沉澱、 deaesephadexa - 50陰離子凝膠層析和sephadexg - 75凝膠柱層析對發酵液進行分離和化,並得到電泳的酶。
  12. A neurotoxic peptide ( named huwentoxin - v ) was purified from the venom of the spider by a combination of ion exchange chromatography and reverse phase hplc. hwtx - v has 35 amino acid residues, with the molecular mass 4111. 4da. the amino acid sequence has been determined as nh2 - ecrwylggcsqdgdcckhlqchsn - yewcvwdgtfs - cooh, which consists of 6 cys, formed three pairs of disulfide bridges

    本文報道從虎紋捕鳥蛛( selenocoimahuwena )粗毒中,結合陽離子和反相高效液相色譜分離化出一種昆蟲毒素,命名為虎紋捕鳥蛛毒素- ( huwentoxin - , hwtx - ) ;其天然突變體( themutantofhuwentoxin , mhwtx - )也同時化出來。
  13. Using i - dopa as a specific substrate, phenoloxidase ( po ) from penaeus chinensis hemolymph was purified by gel - filtration and ion - exchange chromatography, and characterized in terms of its molecular weight and enzymatic properties in this study

    本文以中國對蝦( penaeuschinensis )的血淋巴為材料,利用凝膠過濾和離子等方法,對酚氧化酶( phenoloxidase )進行了分離化和生物化學性質研究。
  14. Purification and characterization of phytase from a. niger an 01001 a. niger an01001 was inoculated on solid media and cultivated at 30 for 5 days. proteins were extracted from solid - state fermentation with 50mm acetate buffer ( ph5. 5 ). the molecule weight of the phytase protein was determined as about 78kd by sds - page. the purification procedures include ammonium sulfate precipitation, deae - cellulose ion - exchange chromatography, gel electrophoresis and electroelution

    3 .植酸酶的分離化及其性質研究黑麴黴ano1001經固體發酵,用緩沖液抽提后,經硫酸按沉澱, deae一纖維素離子層析,聚丙烯酞胺凝膠電泳和電洗脫等化步驟獲得的植酸酶,用sds一page檢測為一條均一譜帶,其分子量約為78kd 。
  15. Mm ). mg2 +, mn2 +, zn2 +, fe2 +, fe3 +, cu2 + have enabled effect on enzyme activation and edta produce a strong inhibitory effect on the enzyme. embranch amino acid have no effect on the enzyme

    在離子柱層析中,採用不同的ph值及不同類型的緩沖液對化條件進行優化,最終選擇了ph6 . 0mes緩沖液,並得到了酶蛋白洗脫點為0 . 24 0 . 32mol lnacl 。
  16. Industrial automation system and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 21 : implementation method : clear text encoding of the exchange structure

  17. The hwtx - i gene was chemically synthesized according to its known cdna sequence, the gene was inserted into vector ppic9k which contained aoxj promotor and the sequence of a secreting signal peptide - a - factor, the cloning ppic9k / hwtx - i was constructed and confirmed by two - step pcr and dna sequence analysis, then it was transformed into host strain gs115, a his + muts cell line was screened and multicopy transformants were screened by various g418 concentrations, the multicopy transformant was named gh1. gh1 was cultivated in flasks. after 6 days of induction by 0. 5 % methanol, the supernatant was checked by 16. 5 % tricine - sds page, which showed there was a band in the position of 3. 5 - 6. 1kd, then it was isolated and desalted by ultrofiltration followed by ion exchange of cm column, after reverse phase hplc of ci8 and vacuum drying, the purified rhwtx - 1 was obtained which was proved to be correct recombinant hwtx - i by tricine sds - page, maldi - tof mass spectrometry, amino acid composition analysis, the n - terminal amino acid sequence and its biological activity, the final field of the purified rhwtx - i was about 80mg / l, accounting for 23. 6 % of it total secretory proteins

    將帶有hwtx -基因的ppic9k經blgii線性化后,轉化酵母宿主菌gs115原生質體后經篩選陽性克隆並經表型鑒定為his ~ + mut ~ s酵母菌,進一步用遺傳毒素g418篩選多拷貝的轉化菌株,命名為gh1 ;將gh1甲醇酵母菌用0 . 5的甲醇誘導表達,發酵上清經90飽和度的( nh _ 4 ) _ 2so _ 4沉澱, yw - 3 ( mwc03000 )的超濾膜超濾,再經cm陽離子, c _ ( 18 )反相hplc化得到分子量為4kd左右的組分,其中4289 . 05的組分經質譜鑒定,氨基酸組成分析和序列測定為正確的表達產物,生物學活性表明其活性為天然毒素活性70 % ,表達量為80mg / l 。
  18. Transaction costs and the equilibrium of pure change economy

  19. Query on sufficiency of pure exchange pareto optimum and improvement

  20. In this chapter, by the base of analysis of preference and utility function of stock market, put forward the model of finitely pure exchange and prove the existence of stock equilibrium price
