脊頂 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [dǐng]
脊頂 英文
crestal culmination
  • : 脊同 「脊」
  • : i 名詞(人體或物體的最上部) crown; peak; top Ⅱ動詞1 (用頭支承) carry on the head 2 (從下面拱...
  1. Amore 2001 has successfully investigated the gakkel ridge and arctic ocean in vicinity of its geological and geophysical nature, as well as the nature of sea ice and biology in this area. the preliminary onboard petrology and bathymetry results show that the mantle beneath the gakkel ridge with low temperature has only encountered very low degree partial melting during the spreading and there is no any direct relationship between the crust nature and the spreading rate along the gakkel ridge in any simple petrologic way. mantle temperature and fracture zone density also play a major role on the crust nature, besides spreading rate

    對所取得資料的初步研究表明gakkel洋中之下的地幔僅經受了較低程度的部分熔融,具有較低的溫度。 gakkel洋中處的地殼性質和巖漿活動與擴張速率之間不存在任何直接的巖石學相關性,擴張而導致的巖石圈部的冷卻並不是決定洋處地殼性質的最重要因素。地幔溫度和斷裂帶的存在與否及其密度對地殼性質具有重要的影響意義。
  2. The peri - operation nursing of 10 cases for top - centrum displace though forward to rectify the spinal - tuberculosis with post - projection patients

  3. The red pillars and gray gabled roof display a unique style of architecture

  4. Including the lamina and the roof of the spinal column

  5. . . including the lamina and the roof of the spinal column

    . . .包括椎骨端的薄層組織
  6. How do you conceive your own death in all the marble vaults, the brick ridges, and the furnaces that lead to the market place ?

  7. An ornamental ridge, as on top of a wall or roof

  8. Bony marker of the apical line of spinous processes in helical ct three - dimensional reconstruction and its significance in spinal touch diagnosis

  9. The sheer wall is made of bricks and covered with paint. swallowtail ridges are found in both the front and rear halls connected with a horseback - shaped flush gable and a round - ridged hip interior roof

  10. There are three main channels of energy that moves from the tailbone, up the spine and out the top of the head

  11. He unbuttoned successively in reversed direction waistcoat, trousers, shirt and vest along the medial line of irregular incrispated black hair extending in triangular convergence from the pelvic basin over the circumference of the abdomen and umbilicular fossicle along the medial line of nodes to the intersection of the sixth pectoral vertebr aelig ;, thence produced both ways at right angles and terminating in circles described about two equidistant points, right and left, on the summits of the mammary prominences

  12. The thirty - four species of the sea urchins belong to 7 order, 17 families and 28 genera. the following is the name list, those with an asterisk are the species recorded for the first time in china. order cidaroida family cidaridae * goniocidaris biserialis ( d6derlein ) * stylocidaris bracteata ( a. agassiz ) * stylocidaris ryukyuensis shigei * stereocidaris indica philippinensis mortensen * rhopalocidaris gracilis doderlein order lepidocentroida family echinothuridae * phormosoma bursarium ( a. agassiz ) araeosoma owstoni mortensen asthenosoma ijimai yoshiwara order stirodonta family phymosomatidae glyptocidaris crenularis a. agassiz family arbaciidae * coelopleurus maculata a. agassiz et h. l. clark * coelopleurus undulatus mortensen order aulodonta family diadematidae chaetodiademajaponicum mortensen family pedinidae * caenopedina mirabilis ( d6derlein ) order camarodonta family temnopledridae temnopleurus hardwickii ( gray ) temnopleurus toreumaticus ( leske ) temnopleurus reevesii ( gray ) temnopleurus apodus ( a. agassiz et h. l. clark ) temnotrema sculptum ( a. agassiz ) temnotrema reticulatum mortensen * microcyphus olivaceus ( d6derlein ) * prionechinus forbesianus ( a. agassiz ) family strongylocentrotidae strongylocentrotus nudus ( a. agassiz ) hemicentrotus pulcherrimus ( a. agassiz ) family echinometridae anthocidaris crassispina ( a. agassiz ) order clypeasteroida family clypeasteridae clypeaster virescens doderlein family laganidae * peronellapellucida d5derlein family scutellidae * scaphechinus mirabilis a. agassiz sinaechinocyamus planus liao family fibulariidae fibularia acuta yoshiwara order spatangoida family loveniidae - lovenia triforis koehler echinocardium cordatum ( pennant ) family schizasteridae schizaster lacunosus ( linnaeus ) family brissidae * gymnopataqus magnus ( a. agassiz & h. l. clark ) family spatangidae * spatangus luetkeni a. agassiz among the species reported, the following species call for notes or simple descriptions

    本文根據th . mortensen ( 1928 - 1955 )海膽專著( amonographoftheechinoidea )中的主要分類依據,將海膽綱分為8個目: 1 )頭帕目( cidaroidea )有齒器,圍肛部在系內,圍口部有步帶板和間步帶板,大棘很大,有外皮層,無球棘; 2 )鱗棘目( lepidocentroida )有齒器,圍肛部在系內,圍口部僅有步帶板,大棘不很大,無外皮層,有球棘; 3 )齒目( stirodonta )有齒器,圍肛部在系內,齒器的齒有,橈骨片在齒上方不相接,顎孔開放; 4 )管齒目( aulodonta )齒器的齒無,圍肛部在系內; 5 )拱齒目( camarodonta )有齒器,圍肛部在系內,齒器的齒有,橈骨片在齒上方相接,顎孔封閉; 6 )全雕目( holectypoida )有齒器,但不發達或完全被吸收,圍肛部在系外,步帶不形成瓣狀和葉鰓; 7 ) ?形目( clypeasteroida )齒器發達,圍肛部在系外,步帶形成瓣狀,無葉鰓; 8 )蝟團目( spatangoida )無齒器,圍肛部在系外,葉鰓發達,步帶形成瓣狀。
  13. His party attempted the peak from the south - east ridge - which later came to be known as abruzzi ridge - but copd not proceed beyond 5560 meters because of problems with porters

  14. His party attempted the peak from the south - east ridge - which later came to be known as abruzzi ridge - but could not proceed beyond 5560 meters because of problems with porters

  15. Water invasion bursten out during the railway - tunnel construction is usually the mainly problem in constructing or operating, also which brings surface water to exhaustion and pollutes environment or effects ecology, etc. the geleshan tunnel which crosses through guan - yin gorge anticline which trend is near south north, is located between tuanjie village and jingkou village of the shapingba zone, chongqing city, which is belongs to the inducting segment of yu - huai railway. the guan - yin gorge anticline appears to ridge and slot interlacing in land form, and is composed of clastic rock and carbonate rock from jurassic xintiangou group to triassic

  16. There was a low plastered ceiling to a part of it ; the rest was open, to the ridge of the tiled roof, and there were beams across

  17. China has a great variety of wildlife, over 4, 400 vertebrates, more than 100 rare species of the world : the giant panda, the golden monkey, the white - lipped deer, the south china tiger,

  18. Shuttle exploration of the universe forever, and the computer produced wonderful music ; we laoniupoju not discarded, but can not be discarded baotashan style backbones

  19. The distributions of the residual flow and the residual discharge from the numerical model show that the residual circulation flows around the sandbanks contribute significantly to the deposition at the peak of sandbank, and closely related to the sandbank development

  20. The existence of the asymmetrical residual transverse circulation flows in pair is discovered in the residual vorticity field along the passage and sandbank cross section. the transverse residual circulation flow is favorable to sediment ' s moving to the peak of sandbank and the development and maintenance of sandbank

    首次發現,在潮漲潮落過程中,深槽中及沙兩側均存在一組方向相反、不對稱余渦度場(余環流場) ,橫向余環流的存在將有利於沙兩側的泥沙均向沙脊頂運動和堆積,是潮流沙的形成和維持重要動力因素。