
中文拼音 [bèi]
名詞1. (行輩; 輩分) generation in family 2. [書面語] (等; 類) the like; familiar circle; people of a certain kind 3. (一生; 壽命) lifetime
  1. Tell your master, nelly, that i never, in my life met with such an abject thing as she is.

  2. While politically the jeffersonians won power, in letters the conservative federalist viewpoint seemed far more ably presented.

  3. They obviously taught respect to the older generation at hilltop military academy.

  4. While slowly breasting this ascent tess became conscious of footsteps behind her, and turning she saw approaching that well - known form - so strangely accoutred as the methodist - the one personage in all the world she wished not to encounter alone on this side of the grave

  5. The aestheticians thereby abandoned art to the hands of the art establishment, art dealers, impostors, cranks and all kinds of misfits who made art their heritage but without there being any art there at all

  6. The subject elevated him to more than usual solemnity of manner, and with a most important aspect he protested that he had never in his life witnessed such behaviour in a person of rank - such affability and condescension, as he had himself experienced from lady catherine

  7. No question but her name is puissant who aventried the dear corse of our agenbuyer, healer and herd, our mighty mother and mother most venerable and bernardus saith aptly that she hath an omnipotentiam deiparae supplicem, that is to wit, an almightiness of petition because she is the second eve and she won us, saith augustine too, whereas that other, our grandam, which we are linked up with by successive anastomosis of navelcords sold us all, seed, breed and generation, for a penny pippin

    伯爾納49此言不謬矣!聖母瑪利亞擁有向天主懇求的全能之術50 。吾憑借連綿不絕之臍帶與之保持血緣的遠祖51 ,為了一隻便宜蘋果竟將我等子孫種族,祖祖悉數出賣,而瑪利亞作為第二個夏娃,正如奧古斯丁52所云,拯救了蕓蕓眾生。
  8. He derogated from his ancestors.

  9. It may help you when you become an ancestor yourself.

  10. The monuments of men's ancestors were the most impressive exhortations.

  11. The heir on taking up his ancestors fief had to pay a relief.

  12. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if i had to keep it up for a lifetime

  13. In the next place, comparing each appraisable method, and combining the practical instance of railway acceleration, the thesis finally selects fuzzy synthesis evaluating method that could be much more compatible. besides on the basis of inheriting the outcome of former research, the thesis mainly study and summarize a mistiness system. make it the basic mind and method

  14. His well-formed aquiline nose, straight thin lips, and the admirable contour of his finely-formed limbs, impressed the whole company instantly with the idea of something uncommon.

  15. The worker spends his whole life time accomplishing nothing more than the turning of bolt 999 on the remorseless assembly line.

  16. Upright men shall be astonied at this, and the innocent shall stir up himself against the hypocrite

  17. He adopt an avuncular tone of voice when give advice to junior colleagues

  18. He adopts an avuncular tone of voice when giving advice to junior colleagues

  19. Distrusting women, he remained a bachelor all his life.

  20. Well, she hunted about everywhere, ballyragging jack by side and by seam, jack lying a most stifled inside the churn, and the poor maid - or young woman rather - standing at the door crying her eyes out
