
中文拼音 [dài]
名詞(青黑色的顏料, 古代女子用來畫眉) a black pigment used by women in ancient times to paint their eyebrows
  1. Little adele was half wild with delight when she saw me.

  2. Adele may accompany us, may she not, sir

    「阿勒可以跟我們一起去嗎,先生? 」
  3. Nothing particular ; teaching adele as usual

    「沒有什麼特別事兒,照例教阿勒。 」
  4. Miss adele, a ward he had, was put to school

  5. Does not sophie sleep with adele in the nursery

    「索菲婭不是同阿勒一起睡在育兒室嗎? 」
  6. Watch out. go, go, go ! watch out, adele, watch out

  7. The smooth, ageless skin of chinese empresses and women of the emperor ' s court has long been the envy of women all over the world

  8. Physically, she far excelled me : she was handsome ; she was vigorous. in her animal spirits there was an affluence of life and certainty of flow, such as excited my wonder, while it baffled my comprehension. i could talk a while when the evening commenced, but the first gush of vivacity and fluency gone, i was fain to sit on a stool at diana s feet, to rest my head on her knee, and listen alternately to her and mary, while they sounded thoroughly the topic on which i had but touched

  9. I have forbidden adele to talk to me about her presents, and she is bursting with repletion ; have the goodness to serve her as auditress and interlocutrice ; it will be one of the most benevolent acts you ever performed

    我己不允許阿勒跟我談禮品的事,她肚子里有好多話要說,你做做好事聽她講講,並跟她談談,那你就功德無量了。 」
  10. But, really, audrey, i ' m only thinking of you

  11. Who knows ? l might end up like audrey hepburn

  12. Don ' t worry. lagambina ' s looking out for audrey

  13. Thinking about it, audrey. i will think about it

  14. Audrey : oh, i ' m sure it couldn ' t have been that bad

  15. " with regard to custody of audrey, henry and sarah,

  16. So i guess audrey can have the back room

  17. Hi, debra. i brought you some baking soda for your fridge

  18. Although she was intimidated by the crowd at balmoral, diana was wise enough not to stay in the castle itself

  19. Launders, 27, said she has spent most of the year " like a basket case " despite seeing a therapist once a week

    27歲的朗絲說,盡管她每周去理療一次,她今年過的大半日子「像個四肢不全的廢人。 」
  20. But i stayed out a few minutes longer with adele and pilot - ran a race with her, and played a game of battledore and shuttlecock
