joyfully 中文意思是什麼

joyfully 解釋
  1. The cabman joyfully pocketed the sum, and turned back on his road to paris

  2. Initiates joyfully commemorate a happy ching hai day

  3. When the team turned into the driveway to the ranch house, hilma uttered a little cry, clasping her hands joyfully.

  4. Hofstadter says our country ' s educational system is in the grips of people who “ joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectual promise

    霍夫斯塔特說,掌握我們國家教育體系的人「沾沾自喜地、霸氣十足地公然宣稱敵視才學,迫不及待地認同那些看來在才智方面最難造就的孩子。 」
  5. Hofstadter says our country ? s educational system is in the grips of people who “ joyfully and militantly proclaim their hostility to intellect and their eagerness to identify with children who show the least intellectual promise

    霍夫斯塔特說,掌握我們國家教育體系的人「喜不自禁地、咄咄逼人地宣揚對才智的敵視,並且迫不及待地認同那些看來最沒有希望在才智上有造就的孩子。 」
  6. Am i evangelizing by serving and concern ? the lenten campaign organized by caritas hong kong is an appropriate occasion for us to be generous. let us give joyfully, not calculating money, action and love

  7. His wife looked up at him joyfully.

  8. With an open heart, let us joyfully walk the path that leads us home

  9. O, you priestified kinchite ! joyfully he thrust the message and envelope into a pocket but keened in querulous brogue

  10. Id al fitr is celebrated more joyfully, as it marks the end of the hardships of ramadan

    Id al fitr更加快樂慶祝,作為它標記ramadan困難的結尾。
  11. She tripped along joyfully as if treading on air.

  12. He sat on a corner of the unlit desk, reading aloud joyfully

  13. After driving four versts, for the first time he met an acquaintance, and greeted him joyfully

  14. He flushed joyfully, and with agonising distress

  15. Later, she even asked two teenage boys to teach her a few " break dancing " steps and joyfully participated with them. master said that " break dancing " burns up a lot of energy, rids the body of many frustrations and is much more positive than fighting or behaving violently. once again, master focused attention on an issue so that its positive side could be illuminated

  16. St. paul prays for this strength for his community at colossae : " may you have the strength, based on his own glorious power, never to give in, but to bear everything joyfully, thanking the father who has. enabled us to join the saints and with them to inherit the light " col 1 : 11 - 12

    聖保祿為哥羅森的團體祈禱說:全力加強自己,賴他光榮的德能,含忍容受一切,欣然感謝那使我們有資格,在光明中分享聖徒福分的天父哥1 : 11 - 12 。
  17. Olinthus pressed his hand joyfully.

  18. She came towards him joyfully.

  19. "ah, " he cried, coming toward her joyfully.

  20. She ran joyfully up the hill.
