trading-oriented 中文意思是什麼

trading-oriented 解釋
  1. Fueled by vigorous reform efforts, growth rates averaging nearly 10 percent annually have created a vast array of new job and investment opportunities, making china more prosperous. the effect of china s transformation from an inward - looking, planned economy to a more market - oriented, trading powerhouse has reverberated throughout the global economy, influencing everything from consumer choice to investment flows. rapid - fire growth has not been cost free, however

    中國經濟在過去20年中的迅猛發展是一個眾所周知的成功經歷。在大力改革的推動下,近10 %的平均年增長率創造了大量的就業和投資新機會,使中國變得更加繁榮。中國從閉關自守的計劃經濟轉向一個更為市場化的貿易強國所產生的效力遍及全球經濟,影響著從消費者選擇到投資流動的方方面面。
  2. By arranging cargo transport, the freight forwarding industry has contributed fundamentally to hong kong s success as the 11th largest merchandise trading entity and one of the most trade - oriented economies in the world

  3. Brand trap - the operational risk of brand - oriented trading companies

  4. The establishment of the trading port and the export - oriented animal husbandry in northwest china

  5. Since 1995, we have successfully developed from a vote - funded government department into a forward - looking, customer - focused and market - oriented trading fund operation. we have delivered strong returns to our shareholder

  6. China will become a wto member 30 days after filing its notice of acceptance with the wto. agriculture in shanghai, the united states and china agreed to a solution on domestic support, the last major outstanding issue on agriculture. this agreement is fully in line with the spirit and objective of the wto agreement on agriculture, moving china towards a fair and market - oriented trading system, in part by limiting china s trade distorting domestic support. 1

  7. The long - term objective agreed at gatt / wto is to establish a fair and market - oriented agricultural trading system leading to fundamental reform in farm policy

  8. But for externally oriented economies, where domestic prices are strongly influenced by the prices of their trading partners, a stable external value for the currency, i. e. a fixed exchange rate, is often more suitable
