yin chengzong 中文意思是什麼

yin chengzong 解釋
  • yin : adj. ,pron. ,n. 〈蘇格蘭語〉= one.
  1. The orchestra will be performing with yin chengzong, the world famous pianist

  2. Yin chengzong yellow river piano concerto

  3. And gulangyu - the " piano island " - is especially famous for its music culture ; it has the densest piano in china ; and it has developed number of topping musicians, such as lin junqing yin chengzong, and xu feiping. gulangyu people has built the art palace through their music

    久負盛名的"鋼琴之島" -鼓浪嶼,更是一個充滿天籟之聲的小島,自古以來便具備滋生音樂文化的天然條件,島上琴聲陣陣,歌聲悠揚,鋼琴密度為全國之冠,音樂人才輩出。