full database backup 中文意思是什麼

full database backup 解釋
  • full : adj 1 充滿的,裝滿的。2 充分的,豐富的;擠滿的;(吃、喝等)盡興的,3 (精神)飽滿的。4 完全的,...
  • backup : n. 后補物,替代物,備用物;支持;阻塞;【計算機】備份。2. adj. 后補的,副(手)的,替代的,備用的;支持性的;伴奏的(a back pilot 副領航員,助航員)。
  1. Enabling archivelog mode will require a database rebounce, and a close and clean full backup

    啟用archivelog模式需要一個數據庫回彈( database rebounce ) ,以及嚴格、干凈的完全備份
  2. To back up only the full - text catalog and not the database data, specify the file clause in the backup command

    若要只備份全文目錄(而不備份數據庫數據) ,請在backup命令中指定file子句。
  3. For a full backup that includes source data, you have to back up the database which contains detail data

  4. The example then creates a full database backup to

  5. This indicates the start of a piecemeal restore. use any full database backup that contains the primary filegroup

  6. Typically, a copy - only log backup is used once and then deleted. when used with backup database, the copy only option creates a full backup that cannot serve as a differential base

    如果未指定物理塊大小,則還原時需使用已緩存的i / o ,這將導致效率降低(尤其對于大型備份) 。
  7. If you recover the database after restoring one of the intermediate transaction log backups, that before the end of the log chain, you cannot restore the database past that point without restarting the complete restore sequence, starting with the full database backup

  8. Regardless of the recovery model that is used by the database, the partial - restore sequence starts with a restore database statement that restores a full backup and specifies the partial option

    段落還原方案包括所有的三個還原階段:數據復制、重做(前滾)和撤消(回滾) 。
  9. Because all filegroups are implicitly included in a full database backup, this operation fails

  10. In sql server 2000, a partial restore can only be done from a full database backup

    在sql server 2000中,只能從完整數據庫備份執行部分還原。
  11. Immediately after you complete the switch to the full recovery model or bulk - logged recovery model, take a full or differential database backup to start the log chain

  12. A full database backup is necessary for the recoverability of your deployment

  13. The third differential backup is large enough that the next backup is a full database backup. this establishes a new differential base

  14. During a full or differential database backup, sql server backs up enough of the transaction log to produce a consistent database when the backup is restored

    在進行完整數據庫備份或差異數據庫備份時, microsoft sql server會備份足夠的事務日誌,以便在還原備份時生成一個一致的數據庫。
  15. A differential database backup is based on a full database backup

  16. Before you can create the first log backup, you must create a full backup, such as a database backup or the first in a set of file backups

  17. A database administrator typically creates a full database backup at a periodic interval, such as weekly. optionally, an administrator creates a differential backup at a shorter interval, such as daily ; and creates a transaction log backup frequently, such as every 10 minutes

  18. As the full database or partial backup that is restored at the start of the point - in - time restore sequence

  19. The sequence of transaction log backups is continuous from the initial full database backup created at 8 : 00 a. m. to the last transaction log backup created at 8 : 00 p. m

    從上午8 : 00創建的初始完整數據庫備份一直到晚上8 : 00創建的最後事務日誌備份,事務日誌備份序列保持連續。
  20. Offline backup requires that a full database backup be taken and, obviously, that the database be offline while the backup is in process
