guid 中文意思是什麼

guid 解釋
  1. Creating a ccw com callable wrapper containing an interface without a specified guid

    創建包含一個介面的ccw ( com可調用包裝) ,該介面沒有指定的guid 。
  2. Specification for wire guid torped mounted dispenser

  3. Pay - off guid sheave stand

  4. Lean, he lay back. shy, deny thy kindred, the unco guid

    出於羞澀,否定你的同族吧, 397你這個自命清高的人。
  5. This guid is also embedded in the custom document property

  6. Globally unique identifier guid associated with the key

    與密鑰關聯的全局唯一標識符( guid ) 。
  7. Class from the specified globally unique identifier guid

    根據指定的全局唯一標識符( guid )初始化
  8. Structure provides a globally unique identifier guid, and the

    結構提供了全局唯一標識符( guid ) ,並且
  9. Gets the guid globally unique identifier of the implemented type

    獲取已實現類型的guid (全局唯一標識符) 。
  10. Gets a guid for the current application instance

    獲取當前應用程序實例的guid 。
  11. There is a guid for each project you have created

    每個已創建的項目均有一個guid 。
  12. For example, if the guid provided by guidgen is

  13. The guid of the group that this menu command belongs to

    此菜單命令所屬組的guid 。
  14. Returns the guid of a symmetric key in the database

    返回數據庫中對稱密鑰的guid 。
  15. Or derives from a type with the same guid

  16. And shares the same guid as the parent

    標記的類型並且與父級具有相同的guid 。
  17. Gets the guid for the related links frame

    獲取相關鏈接框架的guid 。此欄位為只讀。
  18. Returns the value of the specified field as a guid

  19. Guid globally unique identifier

  20. The guid globally unique identifier is a 128 - bit unique identification string used to identify a class or an interface

    Guid (全局唯一標識符)是用於標識類或介面的128位唯一標識符字元串。