
中文拼音 [shā]

  1. Energy law journal and aba year in review - - -

  2. She only thought how best to make her visit appear to eustacia not abject but wise.

  3. In this self - complacent conviction she departed ; and the success of her fulfilled resolution was obvious on the morrow : mr linton had not only abjured his peevishness though his spirits seemed still subdued by catherine s exuberance of vivacity, but he ventured no objection to her taking isabella with her to wuthering heights in the afternoon ; and she rewarded him with such a summer of sweetness and affection in return, as made the house a paradise for several days ; both master and servants profiting from the perpetual sunshine

  4. But she did get more exercised when her normally abstemious daughter, queen elizabeth, once asked for a second glass of wine at lunch

  5. But she did get more exercised when her normally abstemious ( 1 ) daughter, queen elizabeth, once asked for a second glass of wine at lunch

  6. Berthe acceded to all her husband's proposals.

  7. With the continuous training under the handlers, sasha and dexter will be capable of identifying up to 14 kinds of hydrocarbon accelerant

  8. Fire investigation dogs, sasha and dexter, have been initially trained for the detection of hydrocarbon accelerant in birmingham, uk in 2006

  9. Accommodating herself to circumstances, bertha found life less tedious.

  10. Shakespeare did not acquiesce in discrepancy.

  11. The smoke was beginning to billow into the room nowyellow, acrid fumes that made elizabeth choke.

  12. He has no superior as a shakespearian actor.

  13. 100 prizes : an infantile epistle, dated, small em monday, reading : capital pee papli comma capital aitch how are you note of interrogation capital eye i am very well full stop new paragraph signature with flourishes capital em milly no stop : a cameo brooch, property of ellen bloom born higgins, deceased : 3 typewritten letters, addressee, henry flower, c o p. o. westland row, addresser, martha clifford, c o p. o. dolphin s barn : the transliterated name and address of the addresser of the 3 letters in reserved alphabetic boustrophedontic punctated quadrilinear cryptogram vowels suppressed n. igs. wi. uu

    三封打字信,收信人為:亨利弗羅爾,韋斯特蘭橫街郵政局轉交發信人為:瑪克利弗德,海豚倉巷郵政局收轉。三信的發信人住址姓名被改寫為字母交互逆綴式附有句號分作四行的密碼母音字母略之如下: nigs wiuuoxwoksmhyim 296英國周刊現代社會297的一張剪報:論女學校中的體罰。一截粉紅色緞帶,這是一八九九年系在一顆復活節彩蛋上的。
  14. Yukman lai, adjunct professor at simon fraser university in vancouver, was born in guangzhou and grew up in hong kong

  15. Isabel listened with extreme respect to this admonition.

  16. At last, narcissa hurried up a street named spinner ' s end, over which the towering mill chimney seemed to hover like a giant admonitory finger

  17. It may be affirmed without delay that isabel was probably very liable to the sin of self-esteem.

  18. Isabel noted afresh that life was certainly hard for some people.

  19. Only when the last child had disappeared did sister agatha break her rigid pose.

  20. Stuant's wistful tranquility and almost saintlike aloofness were hard nuts to crack, even for sister agatha.
