
中文拼音 [jīng]
名詞(植物體的一部分) stem (of a plant); stalk
  1. As i drew closer, my bare feet barely skimming the warm earth between the rows, i could see that the bush was abloom with dozens of purple spear - like fronds

  2. After systematic investigation and research on the bamboo pests in fujian bamboo production areas, the bamboo pests in fujian province was classified as 97 species, 15 of which was shoot pests, 53 of which was leaf pests, 5 of which was harmful acarids, 17 of which was stem pests, and 7 of which was rhizome pests

  3. This thesis taking the lead in systematically studying pleurocarpous mosses, is a part of the comprehensive research of bryophytes in hebei, which will provide datum for the statistics and analysis of bryophytes along with exploit and utility of plant resources in hebei, which will provide the first - hand material for the compilation of the ( ( flora bryophytarum hebeiensis ) ) and the ( ( flora bryophytarum sinicorum ) ). on classification system, the author references the classification systems about bryophytes and approves standpoint of vitt., considering that the place of capsule growing is the criterion of distinguishing acrocarpous and pleurocarpous mosses

    本研究採用了陳邦傑教授( 1963 )修正的reimers ( 1932 )關于蘚綱植物的分類系統,同時,支持h . d . mitten ( 1984 )的觀點,認為劃分頂蒴和側蒴蘚類植物的依據是孢子體著生的位置,其中側蒴蘚類植物是指蒴柄從葉腋中發生非著生頂的蘚類植物,分類系統上指從虎尾蘚科( hdwigiaceae ) ?塔蘚科( hylocomiaceae )等。
  4. The results showed that 5406 actinomyces can improve the wheat seedling ' s height, root system and stalk leaf weight, can increase content of chlorophyll and root system activity in sterilized sand culture

  5. With colourless nail polish, study on the stomatic distribution of outer epidermis in the young stem, aged stem and aged leaf sheath, and adaxial and abxial leaf epidermis of young and aged leaves in s. purpurea, z. pendula and c. communis was conducted

  6. With colourless nail polish, study on the stomatic distribution of outer epidermis in the young stem, aged stem and aged leaf sheath, and adaxial and abxial leaf epidermis of young and aged leaves in s. purpurea, z. pendula and c communis was conducted

  7. Daily retraction and cleaning prevents penile adhesions.

  8. Improvement of shoot - tip micrografting through adventitious bud induction from citrus stem explants

  9. Adventitious describing plant organs that arise in unexpected places, for example the devdlopmant of adventitious roots from stems, and adventitious buds from leaves

  10. The whole bulb is protected by scale leaves and adventitious roots arise from the base of the stem

  11. Basipetal and epitropic integration of resources acquired from adventitious roots instantaneously occurred in stolon

  12. The anatomical structure of the aerial adventitious roots of taxus chinensis var. mairei. was investigated in this paper

  13. They are closely related to the growing environment regarding to the rhizome with remnant stem scars, adventitious roots, taproot shrink wrinkles, and fibrous roots

  14. The study of nuclear type on 5 stolon - plant of allium l. in inner mongolia

  15. Biological characters were observed and karyotypes were analyzed of caragana microphylla lam c. intermedia kuang et h. c. fu and c. arborescens ( amm. ) lam in this paper. at the same time, thirty plant belong to caragana fabr from different regions were analyzed by molecular markers in order to study relationship among them. the main results as followed : 1. the result of morphology showed : there are differentia among caragana microphylla lam c. intermedia kuang et h. c. fu and c. arborescens ( amm. ) lam

    結果表明: ( 1 )中間錦雞兒、小葉錦雞兒和樹錦雞兒的植物學性狀和生物學特性具有差異,如干有毛或光滑、樹的高矮、抗性的強弱等;也有一定的相似性,如有小葉、托葉在長枝上宿存可硬化成針刺等。
  16. Your sturdy trunk progressively increases your own annual rings ; yet your root at your feel would never forget the native land

  17. Charactreristic of tissue structures of stem and leaf in k - type hybrid wheat and its parents after anthesis

  18. Allium ( allium sativum l. ) is a kind of buld which belongs to liliaceae. it has some pharmacological actions, such as antibiosis antivirus antioxygenation and antitumor, which has many different mechanism. and suggested that allicin has wide foreground in antitumor

  19. In cylindrical organs, such as stems and roots, the term radial is often used instead of anticlinal

    在圓柱狀的器官如、根中,通常用「放射狀的」這個詞來代替「垂周的」 。
  20. Minute fragments of shoot apices are proverbially difficult to culture.
