無乃 的英文怎麼說

中文拼音 [nǎi]
無乃 英文
[書面語] wouldn't that be . .
  • : 無Ⅰ動詞(沒有) not have; there is not; be without Ⅱ名詞1 (沒有) nothing; nil 2 (姓氏) a surn...
  • : [書面語]Ⅰ動詞(是; 就是; 實在是) be; be really; be indeed Ⅱ副詞1 (於是) so; therefore; hence 2...
  1. It is the belief of realism that inter - state politics is anarchic, as all the sates are actors driven by self - interest, for whom conflict is an inevitable means to self - protection

  2. Its founder, dr. frank buckman, was said to be soaked in the bible and its principle american writer and spokesman on the east coast, dr. samuel shoemaker jr. was called a bible christian

  3. And childe leopold did up his beaver for to pleasure him and took apertly somewhat in amity for he never drank no manner of mead which he then put by and anon full privily he voided the more part in his neighbour glass and his neighbour wist not of his wile

    貴胄利奧波德為了討好,掀起面甲18 ,略加品嘗以示親睦。然而彼素飲蜂蜜酒之習慣,遂將酒杯置於一旁,少頃潛將大半杯傾入鄰人杯中,鄰人則渾然不覺。
  4. Wherein, o wretched company, were ye all deceived for that was the voice of the god that was in a very grievous rage that he would presently lift his arm and spill their souls for their abuses and their spillings done by them contrariwise to his word which forth to bring brenningly biddeth

  5. En route, to his taciturn, and, not to put too fine a point on it, not yet perfectly sober companion, mr bloom, who at all events, was in complete possession of his faculties, never more so, in fact disgustingly sober, spoke a word of caution re the dangers of nighttown, women of ill fame and swell mobsmen, which, barely permissible once in a while, though not as a habitual practice, was of the nature of a regular deathtrap for young fellows of his age particularly if they had acquired drinking habits under the influence of liquor unless you knew a little juijitsu for every contingency as even a fellow on the broad of his back could administer a nasty kick if you didn t look out

    路上10 ,不但絲毫不曾失去理智確實比平素還更加比清醒的布盧姆先生,對他那位沉默寡言的-說得坦率些,酒尚未完全醒的同伴,就11夜街之危險告誡了一番。他說,與妓女或服飾漂亮打扮成紳士的扒手偶爾打一次交道猶可,一旦習以為常,尤其要是嗜酒成癖,成了酒鬼,對斯蒂芬這個年的小夥子來說是一種致命的陷阱。除非你會點防身的柔術,不然的話,一不留神,已經被仰面朝天摔倒下去的那個傢伙也會卑鄙地踢上你一腳。
  6. Through a great deal of chemical element collections and in many ways of argument, the chemical element ( the famous spot historic monument and special product etc. in hangzhou ) that affirms the one has already can ' t represent hangzhou of now, but define deep hangzhou of the cultural bottom 蘊 with other more modern signs again much superficial with the 驕躁, and " 杭 " navigation, mean hangzhou only, in no way its idea, is because of " last years of the period of 禹, cruise the meeting 稽 to go to this, give up the sail debarkation, is a 杭, start to see in the writing ", so in addition to " 杭 " word, the manifestation of other one contents can ' t explain the whole hangzhou

    經大量的元素收集及多方的論證,認定單一的元素(杭州的名勝古跡及特產等)已不能代表如今的杭州,而用其他更現代的符號來定義文化底蘊深厚的杭州又多顯浮華與驕躁,且「杭」通航,只意為杭州,絕它意,是因「禹末年,巡會稽至此,舍航登陸,名杭,始見于文字」 ,因此除「杭」字外,其他單一內涵的表現形式法詮釋整個杭州。
  7. At this remark, passed obviously in the spirit of where ignorance is bliss, mr bloom and stephen, each in his own particular way, both instinctively exchanged meaning glances, in a religious silence of the strictly entre nous variety however, towards where skin - the - goat, alias the keeper, was drawing spurts of liquid from his boiler affair

    此話一聽就是本著至福93的精神講的,布盧姆先生和斯蒂芬以各自的方式本能地相互交換了一下意味深長的眼色,然而是在虔誠而諱莫如深94的沉默中他們隨即把視線朝「剝山羊皮」 -也就是店老闆一一的方向投去。
  8. For regarding believe - on - me they said it was nought else but notion and they could conceive no thought of it for, first, two - in - the - bush whither she ticed them was the very goodliest grot and in it were four pillows on which were four tickets with these words printed on them, pickaback and topsyturvy and shameface and cheek by jowl and, second, for that foul plague allpox and the monsters they cared not for them, for preservative had given them a stout shield of oxengut and, third, that they might take no hurt neither from offspring that was that wicked devil by virtue of this same shield which was named killchild

    首先,伊誘彼等前去之「雙鳥在林」 ,天下第一洞,內設置四枕,附四標簽,印有「騎角」 , 「顛倒」 「赦顏」 「狎昵」字樣。其次, 「預防法」給彼等以牛腸製成之堅固盾牌,對惡疫「全身梅毒」及其他妖怪,亦須懼怕。第三,憑借稱作「殺嬰」之盾牌,惡鬼「子孫」亦從加害於彼等。
  9. This article intends to justify the following argument : what of both fear and pride create a leviathan or state of war depends on people ' s deliberations on what a good life is and how it is possible. ( 1 ) the remarkable hobbesian warlike human predicament emerges from the natural depravity of fear for death and of pride or vainglory

  10. Ineligible fare classes are correct at time of printing, but are subject to change

  11. The surface energy of a material is the work done separate two surfaces to infinity.

  12. To those who create themselves wits at the cost of feminine delicacy a habit of mind which he never did hold with to them he would concede neither to bear the name nor to herit the tradition of a proper breeding : while for such that, having lost all forbearance, can lose no more, there remained the sharp antidote of experience to cause their insolency to beat a precipitate and inglorious retreat

  13. Hydrofluoric acid will react with carbon steel and monel producing a fluoride buildup on the metal surfaces which can render the valve inoperable

  14. Well, my sweet, said miss pross, nodding her head emphatically, the short and the long of it is, that i am a subject of his most gracious majesty king george the third ; miss pross curtseyed at the name ; and as such, my maxim is, confound their politics, frustrate their knavish tricks, on him our hopes we fix, god save the king

    「好了,我的寶貝」普洛絲小姐使勁地點著頭說, 「關鍵在於我是最仁慈的陛下喬治三世的臣民, 」她說起那名字便屈膝行禮, 「作為臣民,我的格言是:粉碎彼輩之陰謀,挫敗彼輩上詭計,王我希望之所在,上帝佑我王虞! 」
  15. To stephen : the problem of the sacerdotal integrity of jesus circumcised 1st january, holiday of obligation to hear mass and abstain from unnecessary servile work and the problem as to whether the divine prepuce, the carnal bridal ring of the holy roman catholic apostolic church, conserved in calcata, were deserving of simple hyperduly or of the fourth degree of latria accorded to the abscission of such divine excrescences as hair and toenails

    斯蒂芬:受割禮的耶穌作為聖職者是否毫缺陷的問題一月一日是聖日,應該望彌撒,不得從事不必要的世俗勞動186 。還有如何對待保存在卡爾卡塔的神聖羅馬天主教使徒教會的肉體結婚戒指神聖的包皮問題。
  16. For “ self ” is a sea boundless and measureless

  17. No matter the construction of the house, municipal utilities and mine project, and even the harnessing design of geological cala mity etc., all will be done by us with same splendidness, we will offer the best products and the most high - quality service, making our customers and the customer ' s customer carefree

  18. Certainly in every public work which in it anything of gravity contains preparation should be with importance commensurate and therefore a plan was by them adopted whether by having preconsidered or as the maturation of experience it is difficult in being said which the discrepant opinions of subsequent inquirers are not up to the present congrued to render manifest whereby maternity was so far from all accident possibility removed that whatever care the patient in that allhardest of woman hour chiefly required and not solely for the copiously opulent but also for her who not being sufficiently moneyed scarcely and often not even scarcely could subsist valiantly and for an inconsiderable emolument was provided

  19. That both natality and mortality, as well as all other phenomena of evolution, tidal movements, lunar phases, blood temperatures, diseases in general, everything, in fine, in nature s vast workshop from the extinction of some remote sun to the blossoming of one of the countless flowers which beautify our public parks, is subject to a law of numeration as yet unascertained

  20. The principal of chu - ren elementary school wrote to the supreme master ching hai international association seeking financial assistance for mr. pone s family. in response, the association contributed nt 90, 000 to the family when its representatives paid a visit to them, accompanied by the principal and dean of the school
