nag 中文意思是什麼

音標 [næg]
nag 解釋
n. 名詞 1. (騎用)小馬;〈口語〉(老)馬;〈口語〉駑馬;〈美俚〉劣等賽馬用馬。
2. 舊汽車。
n. 名詞 1. 嫌言怨語;嘮叨;不停的責罵。
2. 〈口語〉愛嘮叨的人(尤指婦女)。
vt. 及物動詞 ,vi. 不及物動詞 (nagged nagging)1. 發牢騷,嘮叨;責罵;老是催促;不斷地找(…的)岔子。
2. 困擾;惱人。

  1. Diagnosis of early renal damage due to dropsy with uninary micro - proteins ane nag

  2. Other good books include : the new jerusalem bible with the apocrypha, doubleday ; and, the nag hammadi library in english, harper collins books

  3. One of these missing parts emerged from an earthen jar full of codices found by a farmer at nag hammadi, egypt in 1946. written in coptic a language derived from ancient egyptian, these manuscripts date back to the 4th century

    當時該農夫挖出了一個裝滿手稿的陶罐,那些手稿是以科普特文coptic ,由希臘文字母發展出來的一種埃及文寫成,這些手稿的年代可追溯至西元第四世紀。
  4. This almost 2, 000 year old " time capsule " a large sealed storage jar containing parchments written in the coptic language buried by monks during the fourth century now known as the nag hammadi library, has set in motion a spiritual revolution

  5. 9. he ' s as finicky as a cat. 10. she ' s the world ' s number one fusspot. 11. he ' s such an anal retentive person. 12. men don ' t like women who nag. 13. he ' s penny - wise and pound - foolish

    9 .他像貓那麼挑食. 10 .她是全世界最吹毛求疵的女人. 11 .他過分拘泥小節. 12 .男人討厭喋喋不休的女人. 13 .他小處精明而大處糊塗
  6. That they nag about eating habits and short hemlines is well known

  7. The transitional group of diabases have intervenient sig, feg, tig, indicative of in - between melting degrees and melting depths. the highest nag in thes e rocks tend to suggest that na behaved as a moderately incompatible element during magma generation, thus preclude the possibility for residual jadeite to host na

  8. But as luck would have it the jarvey got the nag s head round the other way and off with him

  9. Pride, envy, remorse nag his characters.

  10. She does not nag you - she becomes verbally repetitive

  11. The bloody nag took fright and the old mongrel after the car like bloody hell and all the populace shouting and laughing and the old tinbox clattering along the street

  12. Nag hammadi library in english, harper collins " i am the light that is over all things. " gospel of thomas

    英文版奈格漢馬第圖書館,哈伯柯林斯harper collins出版我就是那個照耀萬物的光芒。
  13. One of the most talked about books of the nag hammadi library is the gospel of thomas, a collection of the spiritual sayings of jesus on gaining enlightenment

  14. Many of the other manuscripts found at the nag hammadi site in egypt have also been translated. the gospel of thomas is just part of this library, which is available in various english translations at

    3 .在埃及奈格漢馬第發現的許多手稿,都已翻譯成英文,在以下的網站圖書館中,可以找到多馬福音的各種英文版本:
  15. Some children complain that their parents nag at them

  16. Such features can be ascribed to lower degrees of partial melting and greater melting depths. in particular, the decoupling between the lowest nag and highest tig tends to indicate residual jadeite during melting process so that na behaved as a moderately compatible element to lower the naao concentration in these rocks. this is consistent with the ree patterns in the high - ti diabases that have the highest ( gd / yb ) cn ratios than other two groups, which suggest a more important role of residual garnet in generation of the primary magmas

    運用mgo = 8進行標準化,結合巖石成因理論討論了三大系列輝綠巖的形成相對深度和熔融比例,其中高ti系列的原始巖漿形成深度大,熔融比例小,源區相對最為富集易熔組分;低ti系列的熔融深度最淺,比例最大,源區相對虧損易熔組分;過渡ti系列則介於前兩大系列之間。
  17. I will go over to michael cross, and engage him to come behind on his swift nag.

  18. After the first day i rode little, not so much out of pity for the languishing nag, but because everyone else marched.

  19. To let go is not to nag, scowl, or argue, but to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them

  20. To let go is not to nag , scowl , or argue , but to seach out my own shortcomings and to correct them
