
中文拼音 [fǎng]
動詞1. (訪問) call on; interview; visit 2. (調查; 尋求) inquiry into; seek by inquiry [search]; try to get
  1. Now i ' m free to do another interview with abbott larkin

    這下我可以去做另一個阿爾伯特& # 8226 ;拉金的專了。
  2. Mr. lorry immediately remembered, and regarded his new visitor with an undisguised look of abhorrence.

  3. She only thought how best to make her visit appear to eustacia not abject but wise.

  4. Reading learning thinking an interview with academician huang zuqia

  5. Gets the priority of the accessibility checkpoint

  6. Include accessibility validation when building page

  7. Limited metadata accessibility means the following

  8. The accessibility of a nested type depends on its

  9. My object was accomplished in the visit.

  10. What is the mfc data access programming model

  11. Introduces data - access programming in visual studio

    介紹visual studio中的數據問編程。
  12. The following are frequently asked questions about data access programming

    下面是一些有關數據問編程的常見問題( faq ) :
  13. Data access programming

  14. Url access programming

  15. For more information about ado. net and other types of data access programming, see the following online resources

    有關ado . net和其他類型的數據問編程的更多信息,請參見以下聯機資源。
  16. As part of the baseline installation, setup also installs microsoft data access components mdac, which are necessary to support data access programming in visual c. net

    作為基準安裝的一部分,安裝程序同時安裝為支持在visual c + + . net中進行數據問編程所必需的microsoft數據問組件( mdac ) 。
  17. Describes data access programming with visual c, where the preferred way is to use one of the class libraries such as the active template class library or microsoft foundation class library, which simplify working with the database apis

    描述如何使用visual c + +進行數據問編程,首選方式是使用類庫(如活動模板類庫( atl )或microsoft基礎類( mfc )庫)之一,這將簡化對數據庫api的使用。
  18. The results form displays only the last access time

  19. This includes things like size, last accessed time, and so on

  20. How to : determine a file s last accessed time in visual basic

    如何:在visual basic中確定文件的上次問時間